Sunday, November 15, 2009

My girls wish list for Christmas

Oldest daughter 8yrs old:
*laptop (geez!!) We're thinking about trying to hit some of the Black Friday online deals at Best Buy or Office Max.  I have no desire to go face those crowds though.
*new DSi (geez more $$) If she gets a laptop then she can do without a DSi
*American Girl stuff (omg can you say this kid is expensive!)  Here's my hint of the day: the Target Our Generation doll stuff fits American Girls exactly.  If you remove the packaging then you'd never know that it wasn't AG stuff.  My mom already got her the OG daybed and trundle set. 
*Moxie Girl (thankgoodness for one thing that's reasonable!)  I've seen these at Walmart and Target and they appear to be around $30 or less.  Frugal Housewife has a giveaway going on for Lexa right now too.  Check it out at

Youngest daughter 4yrs old:
her list is really easy--she wants whatever toy is advertised during the next commercial!  every commercial she sees she says "that's what I want Santa to bring me for Christmas"

WOOPS we have an update!  Angel Baby "weally" wants Disney's new movie Santa Buddies.  I have to admit it looks pretty cute and the dogs look exactly like how our big dog Sam looked as a puppy.  I looked on Disney Movie Rewards but I don't have enough points to redeem to get it for her so right now I'm hoping to win it at Frugal Houswife's site. Can you tell I'm addicted to her site?!? She has awesome giveaways going on right now.

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