Hubby and I tried to do a little shopping yesterday. Crowds don't bother me as I'm from a much bigger city than the town we currently live in but I had not expected the level of hoarding that we witnessed yesterday. From toys at
Toy R Us to little things like grabbing 20 of the $.99 poinsettas at
Home Depot (even though there was a limit of 10) people were just grabbing everything and keeping it in their buggies whether they intended to get it or not. Why would you want to prevent others from getting them? Makes no sense to me.
The things we were looking for were not any of the doorbusters but were still "gone." Although one of the stock boys at Toys R Us said it's probable that they still had them somewhere in the store but that people were taking buggies full of items such as Barbies and then leaving them in other sections of the store. I hate greed. It makes people so ugly. So I'm still on the look out for Barbie Candy Glam Styling Head and any
Harumika kits for the oldest. I still have hope that I might win one of the
Harumika sets from
Santa's Picks but I'm running out of hope on the Barbie head. I found the last Bath Magic Ariel at Walmart last night for the youngest. Unfortunately she was with me at the time but there was no way I was going to risk not getting it. I tried to hide it under some stuff and upside down in the buggy but of course she eventually saw it. Darn it! So since she's seen it and it can no longer be a Santa gift, we're using it to bribe her for good behavior from now until Christmas. Hey you gotta do, what you gotta do this time of year! :)
I have nothing for the husband yet and I have no clue what to get him. I've always worked up until our move last year so I've never had to worry about spending money for presents for him until now. It's difficult to surprise him with a gift without him already knowing what it is and how much it cost because I've either had to take cash out or used the debit card. I found this awesome
Timex Compass watch giveaway on
Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports site and it would be great to give him something totally unexpected for a change. Any other ideas???
...and while I'm at it...I want
these too please...they will be perfect for the over indulgence needed to get through the holidays and dealing with my mother-in-law. Can't you just picture me finally having a relaxing holiday with not a care in the world as I'm drinking from my new
Lenox wine glasses thanks to
EBMR... shameless I know! :)
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